Haunted Mine



  • Level 43 Prayer to use all protection prayers
  • Partial completion of Fairy Tale II to use fairy rings, placing you near quest start location (You can always just run to the mine from Port Phasmatys/Canifis)

Items Needed

  • A chisel (Obtainable during the quest)


  • About 2 prayer or super restore potions.
  • An energy or super energy potion to chug, running through the Mort Myre Swamp expends energy.
  • A dramen or lunar staff to use Fairy Rings
  • Lots of high healing food
  • Ranged/Magic attacks make a later boss fight a bit easier.


Speak to the Saradominist Zealot outside the mines of Morytania to begin this quest.
You can use Fairy Ring codes b k r (Inside the swamp) or c k s (Outside the swamp) to teleport to the Mort Myre Swamp, running south should eventually lead you to the mines entrance.

Just fyi, you need to talk to Zealot about a key and when he refuses to give it to you pickpocket him for the Zealot's key. Do this or else you have to start everything over again.

The Mine

  • There are several entrances to the mine, but they are not marked on the minimap.
  • Run south from the Zealot and follow the cart tracks. You'll be blocked by a mine cart, climb over it. Continue to follow the tracks which lead you into a Cart tunnel you can enter. Enter it
  • Level 1:Inside the mine, follow the tracks going west, exit the mine through another cart tunnel.
  • Right outside the mine, follow the tracks which lead you into another cart tunnel. Enter it.
  • Head east and go down the ladder in the room.
  • Level 2: Head east and go down the ladder to the south.
  • Level 3: Explore the room until you see some tracks going north to south. A mine cart is going up and down, follow it when it is going south, then quickly get into a safe spot to the west of the tracks before it starts heading back north. If you collide with the cart, it will hurt you repeatedly as it heads up/down the track!
  • Once you clear the tracks, just go down the ladder right after the tracks to the south-west. Level 4 is a bit more involved.

The Glowing Fungus - Level 4

  • You're now in Level 4 of the mine. Around you are corpses, bats, swampy shit, and some very interesting blue Glowing fungus.
  • Pick some Glowing fungus. The second this fungus is taken out of the mine it will crumble to dust!
Lever pulling
  • Head north and follow the cart tracks, you'll find a searchable Mine cart. Place your Glowing fungus in the cart.
  • Now head north from the searchable Mine cart, as you go north you'll see a group of levers to your east, and eventually you'll find a Points setting placed on a wall to the west. Run up to the Points setting and check it. You may be attacked by level-42 Skeletal miners.
  • Take a picture/screen shot of your current Points setting, and compare it to the Points setting image below, you must match your Points setting to the image below by flipping several levers here in Level 4 of the mine.
  • If you head to the west and around to the north of the Points setting, you'll find another group of levers. When examined, these are labeled F, G, H, I, J, K. F, G, and H cannot be pulled, so just pull I, J, K if your levers don't match up to the levers in the image above.
  • To the east of the Points setting was another set of levers, labeled A, B, C, D, E, you can reach them by going south from the Points setting, east from the searchable cart, and then north once you see the cart tracks turning. Once you pull the levers you need, return to the Points setting and check it.
  • If your settings match the image, click on the START button to the left, and a cutscene should play taking the cart/fungus to some ladders.
Finding the Cart - Backtracking
  • Return to the ladder that's to the south, the one that originally took you to this level of the mine. Climb up it.
  • Head north up the tracks, avoiding the cart, and then head up the ladder to the east.
  • Head west and climb up the ladder.
  • Head west and crawl through the Cart tunnel. You should be outside.
  • Head north and follow the tracks into another Cart tunnel.
  • You should see a ladder as soon as you reenter the mine, climb down it into Level 2.
  • Head north-east and climb down some ladders by a set of double doors into Level 3.
  • Head west and then north to climb down another ladder into Level 4.
  • You're now by the cart you sent around the tracks.
The Lift and the Water Valve
  • A boss fight is coming up sometime after you get the Glowing fungus. If you already have the potions/food/armor/weapons needed for the fight, carry on.
  • Search the mine cart to get the Glowing fungus. Climb back up the ladder.
  • Head to the east, you'll see a mine cart moving north/south. Go south past it to reach a ladder, climb down it to return to Level 4.
  • Head south and eventually you'll see a lift to the east wall. To the west of the Lift are some crates with a chisel on top of one, take it if you don't already have one in your inventory.
  • To the north of the Lift is a Water Valve. Use the Zealot's Key on it to activate the water flow. Now click on the Lift to have your character run to it.
  • A ghost should appear to shut off the valve, but if you beat it to the Lift and use it you'll successfully reach Level 5 of the mine.
  • From the pool of water, head south then follow the train tracks to the east. You'll find a set of stairs, head down them.
  • This room should be lit up due to your Glowing fungus, head to the east and open the door to the boss fight.

Treus Dayth

  • You'll see several mine carts and several Loading cranes around the room, with an Innocent-looking key in about the center of the room.
  • As soon as you take it, a ghost called Treus Dayth will attack you.
  • The machinery around the room (carts, cranes) and some thrown pickaxes will do damage to you.
    • You can avoid the carts by getting off the tracks, and the cranes have a limited attack radius around them which you can avoid. The pickaxes will deal little damage if you use the Protect from Missiles prayer.
  • Treus will warp around the room and be an annoying shit, when he takes some damage he may decide to warp to another location in the room.
  • The boss fight is just following/attacking Treus around the room while avoiding all the dangerous obstacles until he's dead. Chug your food as necessary, you can get hurt a lot during this fight.
  • Pick up the Innocent-looking key once Treus is dead.

Salve shards

  • The Innocent-looking key is actually a Crystal mine key, head out of the door to the east and climb up the stairs.
  • Head west and follow the tracks continuing to the west, you'll reach another set of stairs. Climb down them.
  • Now head east and open a set of doors leading south.
  • Explore this room going south-east and you'll find some crystal outcrops. As soon as you cut from them the quest is complete! Take multiple shards if you want multiple amulets.


  • 2 Quest Points
  • 49,500 Strength XP
  • A Crystal mine key to access the crystal outcrops. This can be added to the Steel key ring from One Small Favour.
  • Ability to craft a Salve amulet from the Salve shard (Use a ball of wool on it)
    • When worn, the Salve amulet causes you to deal 15% more damage against undead enemies.
  • Access to Tarn's Lair
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